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Haberlea (Rock Plate) & Ramonda (Rock Plate)

Rock Plates are rarely cultivated genera of ornamental plants with flat basal leaf rosettes and attractive pale-blue flowers in late spring. These are winter hardy relict species and occur in almost vertical rocks in the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Balkans to the Himalaya and require a shaded spot in a moist soil on peat basis. Best planted in North facing rock crevices in the rock garden.
Sow on any humus and sand rich soil in pots outside. Do not cover seeds and place pots in a shaded spot and soil always moist. Carefully transplant in autumn as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
All are USDA Climate Zone 6.
50 seeds per package.
Haberlea ferdinandi-coburgii (Bulgarian Rock Plate)

Haberlea ferdinandi-coburgii (Bulgarian Rock Plate)

20cm, Bulgarian Rock Plate makes a dense basal dark green leaf rosette and showy lavender-blue flowers in spring. Native of humus filled rock crevices in mountains in Bulgaria. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a partially shades spot in the rock garden. IV-V.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package7119 € 4,99
Ramonda myconi (Pyrenee Rock Plate)

Ramonda myconi (Pyrenee Rock Plate)

15 (20)cm, Pyrenee Rock Plate is from high elevations in the Pyrenees and makes beautiful, quite large, pale-violet flowers with a yellow center above wrinkled, deep green leaves in a flat basal rosette. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a shaded spot in the rock garden. IV-V.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1636 € 4,99
seed package