Lavatera arborea (Mediterranean Tree Mallow)

Lavatera arborea (Mediterranean Tree Mallow)
180 (300)cm, Mediterranean Tree Mallow is a showy biannual to perennial woody, branching shrub with erect stems covered with numerous large, intense dark lilac, glossy flowers with purplish central stripes above dark green maple-like foliage. Native of the Mediterranean growing in open spots in coastal areas. For any rich, well drained soil in sull sun throughout the year. Best grown as perennial pot plants, keep drier in winter at a temperature minimum of some 5°C. Seeds from wild collections in Sa Rápita, southern Mallorca, Spain and in the southern Algarve, Portugal.
20 seeds per package.

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seed package (ex Mallorca) - 3503
(ex Mallorca)
seed package (ex Mallorca) - 3503
(ex Mallorca)
seed package (ex Mallorca) - 3503
(ex Mallorca)
seed package (ex Mallorca) - 3503
(ex Mallorca)
seed package (ex Portugal) - 5261
(ex Portugal)
seed package (ex Portugal) - 5261
(ex Portugal)
seed package (ex Portugal) - 5261
(ex Portugal)
seed package (ex Portugal) - 5261
(ex Portugal)