Asparagus horridus Exclusive

Asparagus horridus Exclusive
30 (70)cm, a most ornamental species with numerous, very strong, dense, dark green "spines" (i.e. cladodia), brownish green flowers in summer and black berries in autumn and winter. Plants from Fuerteventura are much more compact in all parts then the specimens in the Mediterranean (Mallorca and Cyprus) as well as the Arabian region. For any very well drained, rather inorganic, stony soil in an always sunny spot throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-IX.

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seed package (ex Fuerteventura, Spain) - 3437
(ex Fuerteventura, Spain)
seed package (ex Fuerteventura, Spain) - 3437
(ex Fuerteventura, Spain)
seed package (ex Mallorca, Spain) - 4933
(ex Mallorca, Spain)
seed package (ex Mallorca, Spain) - 4933
(ex Mallorca, Spain)
seed package (ex Governor's Bay, Cyprus) - 6278
(ex Governor's Bay, Cyprus)
seed package (ex Governor's Bay, Cyprus) - 6278
(ex Governor's Bay, Cyprus)