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Erythronium (Dog's-Tooth)

Dog's-Tooths, Fawn Lilies or Trout Lilies belong to a small genus native of semi moist, humus rich soils in open spots in woods in the Northern hemisphere with a focus in North America. They are spring flowering perennial bulbs with upright stalks crowned by nodding flowers. For any rich, well drained soil with sufficient moisture in spring and a protected spot.
Sow seeds flat in any well drained, humus rich, leafy soil. Keep pots in a partially shaded spot outside. Seeds require a cooling period over several weeks prior germination in late spring. Some seeds might take two years to germinate. Thus do not discart pots with ungerminated seeds too early. Carefully transplant dormant bulbs from mid summer to early autumn as soon as leaves have withered.
All are USDA Climate Zone 6.
20 seeds per package.
Erythronium citrinum (Cream Fawn Lily)

Erythronium citrinum (Cream Fawn Lily)

25 (35)cm, Cream Fawn Lily makes creamy white, nodding flowers with a lemon yellow base. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Josephine County, Oregon, USA at some 550m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5317 € 7,99
Erythronium elegans (Coast Range Fawnlily)

Erythronium elegans (Coast Range Fawnlily)

20 (30)cm, Coast Range Fawnlily is a rare species from open spots in woods and bears pendant white flowers, sometimes flushed light pink on the outside and plain green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Tillamook County, Oregon, USA at some 1000m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9474 € 9,99
Erythronium grandiflorum (Avalanche Lily)

Erythronium grandiflorum (Avalanche Lily)

25 (35)cm, Avalanche Lily makes beautiful rich yellow flowers with yellow anthers (Albany County populations) or brownish purple anthers (Wallowa County populations). For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from certified wild collections in Albany County, Wyoming, USA at some 3250m and in Wallowa County, Oregon, USA at some 1750m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5318 € 7,99
Erythronium grandiflorum ssp. chrysandrum (Yellow Avalanche Lily)

Erythronium grandiflorum ssp. chrysandrum (Yellow Avalanche Lily)

20 (30)cm, Yellow Avalanche Lily has pale yellow nodding flowers above plain mid-green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Montrose County, Colorado, USA at some 2800m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9475 € 7,99
Erythronium hendersonii (Henderson's Fawn Lily)

Erythronium hendersonii (Henderson's Fawn Lily)

30 (40)cm, Henderson's Fawn Lily is a woodland species with showy, pale rose nodding flowers above light green or reddish mottled dark green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Jackson County, Oregon, USA at some 500m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9476 € 7,99
Erythronium howellii (Howell’s Fawn Lily)

Erythronium howellii (Howell’s Fawn Lily)

25 (35)cm, Howell’s Fawn Lily is hardly distinguishable from Erythronium citrinum. It makes creamy white, nodding flowers with a lemon yellow base. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from certified wild collections in Josephine County, Oregon, USA at some 950m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5319 € 7,99
Erythronium idahoense (Idahoe Fawn Lily)

Erythronium idahoense (Idahoe Fawn Lily)

30 (40)cm, Idahoe Fawn Lily has creamy white to pale yellow nodding flowers on reddish staks and usually unmottled mid green green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Benewah County, Idahoe, USA at some 850m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9477 € 7,99
Erythronium klamathense (Klamath Fawn Lily)

Erythronium klamathense (Klamath Fawn Lily)

20 (30)cm, Klamath Fawn Lily produces creamy white flowers with a yellowish base above plain green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Siskiyou County, California, USA at some 1750m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5320 € 7,99
Erythronium montanum (White Avalanche Lily)

Erythronium montanum (White Avalanche Lily)

20 (25)cm, White Avalanche Lily is a very early flowering species with pale cream to white nodding flowers above oblong-lanceolate, midgreen and unmottled leaves. It is native of subalpine woodlands and alpine meadows from British Columbia (Canada) to Washington and Oregon (USA). For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9272 € 4,99
Erythronium multiscapoideum (Sierra Fawn Lily)

Erythronium multiscapoideum (Sierra Fawn Lily)

20 (30)cm, Sierra Fawn Lily makes pale yellow flowers which age to pale violet. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Trinity County, California, USA at some 1600m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5321 € 7,99
Erythronium oregonum (Giant White Fawn Lily [ssp. leucandrum])

Erythronium oregonum (Giant White Fawn Lily [ssp. leucandrum])

30 (40)cm, Giant White Fawn Lily is from populations which were formerly known as ssp. leucandrum and have now been sunk into the nominal spcies. Plants differ by quite large, nodding snow white to pale cream yellow flowers with a maroon to pale orange brown base. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Douglas County, Oregon, USA at some 450m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5322 € 7,99
Erythronium oregonum (Oregon Fawn Lily)

Erythronium oregonum (Oregon Fawn Lily)

30 (40)cm, Oregon Fawn Lily makes quite large, nodding pale cream to white yellow flowers above reddish mottled leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Douglas County, Oregon, USA at some 600m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9478 € 7,99
Erythronium purpurascens (Purple Sierra Nevada Fawn Lily)

Erythronium purpurascens (Purple Sierra Nevada Fawn Lily)

25 (35)cm, Purple Sierra Nevada Fawn Lily makes pale rose to pale pink or creamy white, noddign flowers with a rich lemon base. It is native of higher elevations in rhe southern Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada in California (USA). For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9267 € 7,99
Erythronium revolutum (Pink Fawn Lily)

Erythronium revolutum (Pink Fawn Lily)

20 (25)cm, Pink Fawn Lily is a very showy species with nodding pink flowers above oblong-lanceolate, midgreen and unmottled leaves. It is native of moist spots in meadows and woodlands from coastal northern California (USA) to British Columbia (Canada). For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9273 € 4,99
Erythronium taylorii (Taylor's Fawnlily)

Erythronium taylorii (Taylor's Fawnlily)

25 (40)cm, Taylor's Fawnlily or Yosemite Fawnlily is a threatened herbaceous bulbous species from Tuolumne County, California, USA. Erythronium taylorii was only discovered in 1996 and is known from a single population only, growing in north-facing cliffs. It has nodding, rather large white flowers with a yellow center above fresh green leaves. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0675 € 14,90
Erythronium tuolumnense (Tuolumne Fawn Lily)

Erythronium tuolumnense (Tuolumne Fawn Lily)

30 (45)cm, Tuolumne Fawn Lily has rich yellow flowers above plain green leaves. We offer the real species and not a sterile hybrid wrongly sold under this name in commercial garden stores. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Tuolumne County, California, USA at some 1050m. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5323 € 7,99