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Cypella, Ennealophus, Gelasine, Herbertia, Neomarica & Tigridia

Cypellas (South American Iris), Ennealophus , Gelasine, Herbertia (Prairie Nymphs), Neomarica (Walking Iris) and Tirgridia (Tiger Flowers) are closely related and belong to small genera from lowlands and mountains from South Western USA to Central and South America (Peru and Brazil to Northern Argentina). They are subtropical, evergreen to semi-evergreen bulbous perennials with narrow, iris-like leaves and utmost showy terminal, single flowers to branching clusters with several flowers in white, cream, yellow, orange or blue. For any rich, well drained under in a sunny spot under frostfree conditions throughout the year. In winter keep dormant bulbs drier at a temperature minimum of some 10°C to 15°C.
Sow in any well drained, rich soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep especially seedlings under very sunny conditions.
10 graines par sachet.
Herbertia lahue (Blue Prairie Nymph)

Herbertia lahue (Blue Prairie Nymph)

20cm, Blue Prairie Nymph makes showy, several, usually single plum-blue flowers above very narrow narrow, iris-like leaves. A bulbous species from South America. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep semi dormant plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VIII.
10 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines8755 € 4,99
Tigridia pavonia (Tiger Flower)

Tigridia pavonia (Tiger Flower)

30 (45)cm, Tiger Flower makes showy, several white, yellow, orange, rose to red flower cups above narrow, channeled iris-like leaves. A bulbous species from Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras). It is easily cultivated in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. In winter keep dormant bulbs almost completely dry at some 10°C to 15°C. Seeds are from mixed colors, a strain with mostly reddish flowers is available separately. VI-VIII.
10 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines9258 € 2,99
sachet de graines (red flowered)9271 € 4,99
(red flowered)